The Ambassador of Italy to the United States, Mariangela Zappia, inaugurated last night at the Embassy a series of four evenings dedicated to Italian music in Washington, in collaboration with the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Gianandrea Noseda. Composer Nicola Campogrande, publishe...
READ MOREAndrea Bocelli è il primo premiato per il gala NIAF del 50° anniversario a Washington DC il prossimo Ottobre Pueblo, in Colorado, sarà la sede del primo Museo Leonardo da Vinci del Nord America Il più importante gruppo italoAmericano di Chicago afferma che le statue di Colombo devono essere reinstallate perchè sono espressioni artistiche L'ex Gover...
READ MOREWe're excited to announce that the Italian Choir of Washington D.C. is about to begin, and spots are filling up quickly! If you have a passion for Italian music and enjoy singing, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other enthusiasts while developing your vocal skills. Starting Monday, March 10th, this 10-week choir will bring together...
READ MOREAnna Grassellino, senior scientist at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the director of the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, received the Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic during a ceremony on Thursday, Feb. 13 in Washington, D.C. Knight is one of the five ranks of the Order...
READ MOREThe National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) will commemorate its 50th Anniversary with a landmark Gala celebration on Saturday, October 18, 2025, marking its return to the historic Washington Hilton Hotel at 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, where the organization has hosted many of its most memorable celebrations. This black-tie event will honor di...
READ MOREL'industria spaziale italiana vede una crescita del 27% nel mercato statunitense e punta a un'ulteriore espansione Gli importatori statunitensi fanno scorte di prosecco italiano tra i timori di potenziali dazi doganali Tom Suozzi lavora per creare un National Italian American Museum a Washington Fincantieri assumerà fino a 1.500 lavoratori negli S...
READ MOREAs it stands, 120 cultural and nonprofit groups across the U.S. are rallying support for the creation of a Smithsonian museum of Italian American history in the nation’s capital. Leaders and members of the Italian American Congressional Caucus, in collaboration with the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations (COPOMIAO), sp...
READ MOREOn February 13 the Embassy of Italy in Washington hosted Meet Your Woman In Science, a mentoring event celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promoted by the UN. “When the Embassy launched the Week of Women and Girls in Science two years ago, our goal was to raise awareness and advocate for more equitable access for women i...
READ MORECongressman Tom Suozzi wants to give back to his heritage. The first-generation Italian-American has introduced the bipartisan National Museum of Italian American History Commission Act. The legislation would start a planning commission to examine the possibility of creating a Smithsonian Museum of Italian American History on the Washington Mall....
READ MOREIl Cinema Ritrovato on Tour, a five-day cinephile festival, is scheduled to start on March 5, 2025, and run through March 9, 2025. The event is organized by the Italian Program and the Program in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. The Festival co sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute of Washington and presen...